How Bell’s Palsy Effects The Eye

Bells Palsy Eye Drops

Bells palsy is a severe paralysis of the facial nerve that directs the muscles of the forehead, eyelid, face, nose and mouth area. People who suffer from the palsy condition may complain of a facial droop & continually notice symptoms in their eyes. People also experience a variety of symptoms during Bell’s palsy which can be found here.  The eye is incapable to blink normally, not enough tears are spread through the eye to keep it moist. While most cases of Bell’s palsy last less than a month, the eye associated symptoms can be quite disturbing. You may experience a sharp ache in your eye and blurred vision; because the eyelid does not perform correctly even your eye may not shut all of the way during sleep.

The remedy is here.

Your eyes deserve the best.            

We understand how important eyes are and even though the eye creams, eyeliners, mascara, if your eyes are red, you won’t look your best.

If you think that you are facing symptoms of Bell’s palsy, then you should try our enlisted eye drops it may help soothe/calm your eyes. Eye drops are crucial when your own eye is not making moisture. Drops will assist with normal function of your eye and prevent further damage such as drying out.

Clear Eyes Triple Action Drops, these drops will provide comfort for eye irritations. Moreover these eye drops specially made to calm red, itchy, burning and dry eyes. Your eyes will enjoy a long lasting soothing relaxation.

Lumify Eye Drops, these drops accurately control eye redness and enhance your eyes natural radiance. Additionally it does not contain bleach or dyes.

Refresh optive advanced eye drops, these drops relieve irritated dry eyes with an original triple action formula that soothes common dry eye symptoms like irritation, burning & blurred vision. Even it helps stop tears from evaporating.

Refresh plus eye drops, these drops specially made to give soothing relief for dry and irritated eyes. 100% preservative free and perfect choice for sensitive eyes.

Refresh optive mega 3 eye drops, these mega 3 drops supply advanced lubrication & hydration. The low blur formula of this eye drop keep tears intact and provide long-life symptom relief.

Systane Ultra lubricant eye drops, these drops bringing you relief and enduring protection against mild dry eye symptoms. When your eyes feel dry, gritty or irritated then you should try these drops. 

Bell’s palsy eye treatment is crucial

men's face bell'





If the patient is not blinking accurately then the eye will be exposed and tears will evaporate. Mostly patients will face a reduction in tear production. Both may enhance the risk of damage or infection in the eye. We are here to recommend artificial tears in the form of eye drops. Moreover the eye drops are normally taken during the waking hours.

Treatment for Bell’s palsy condition will rely on the type of symptoms and underlying cause. People who are suffering from palsy condition may not be aware of eye treatments and problems. According to the latest research mostly people with Bell’s palsy condition will recover completely, even though the Bells palsy eye symptoms may last to one year in harsh cases.

 What makes our eye drops ultra-great? Here we have enlisted some key benefits of our eye drop products:

  • The eye drops will provide soothing comfort and will leave your eyes refreshed.
  • The eye drops will assists your own natural tears by bringing back the lipid layer.
  • Our eye drops contain preservative free formulas for sensitive eyes.
  • The eye drops especially made to extended protection for relief that lasts.
  • The eye drops helps your eyes feel refreshed and lubricated.


Enjoy long lasting comfort and treatment with eye drops.

Imagine looking in the mirror one day & observe that your face seems to be sagging on one side and your eyes are not blinking properly. By the next day you notice that your eyes are burning and itchy too. Suddenly you came to know that you are suffering from Bells palsy condition, then don’t show nervousness because the good news is that you can treat this palsy condition by taking regular prescribed instructed eye drops and restore your quality of life.

Buy your eyedrops here.

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